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Memes, or Now It’s Called Eswatini

There’s supposedly

a desk

at the airport

in Vienna,


for travellers

arriving there

in err,


mistaking Austria for


dressed for the

desert outback,


wondering if they’ve


who’ve made

a similar blunder,

traipsing about

in Sydney, garbed in


yodelling to the koalas

and the bobbing kangaroos.


Then there’s the skier

and St. Bernard

who booked a flight

to Swaziland—


toasting Africans

with their brandy

on the runway,

where they heard

it hadn’t snowed

in sixty years.


But I was the fool

of them all,

signing up to learn

some Javanese,


hoping to land

my dream job

in the halls of Toho Co,

animate Godzilla

for the screen,


or write a poem

of Nagasaki

for my students,


be a turnabout

Tokyo Rose,

tell them all on TikTok

it’s America who’s

victorious at the end,


my ignorance a bliss,

taking the bewilderment

on their faces

to be a look of

wondrous awe,


each bow

a reverent blessing

from the land of

the rising sun,


a meagre fifty-

thousand k’s

from an island 

near Borneo,


where, I’ll be told,

they’re still expecting

my arrival, a limo

ready to take me

to wherever I’d like to go.

Andreas Gripp

July 7, 2024

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