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The final line of this

poem no longer

exists. It was surely there

for the taking , its fingernails

clutching rock, at the

top of a ragged cliff

from which it hung ,

a Wile E. Coyote

in the making.


This poem’s final line

is a bar of soap 

in the steamy shower,

pushed away  from my

hand by its slime,

ready to trip me up  

the moment it

falls, my eyes closed tightly

from the suds of cheap

shampoo, its lie of no more


The final line of this

poem is a cheeky kid 

playing hide-and-seek,

concealed behind the

curtains, waiting for me

to open—then disappear

like David Blaine.


Dear darling of a

brat, I promise not to

harm, will only borrow

what I need to make this

grand, let you vanish

in the air


once I’ve wrenched you

from my hat

by your fluffy ears.


Andreas Gripp

September 17, 2024

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