I bring your morning
tea upon a tray.
Having finally
mastered the art
of never-spilling , cup
and saucer stilled—
not a single
drop to fall, like a petal
past its prime,
from a flower
born to fail, clenched
within my grasp
as though denial—
of its gradual, creeping
fade, its ability to
remember its name:
for better and
for worse—
there's no or
amid this love
I hold for you—
one hand
clutching a rose,
by the green
of its immaculate
stem: smooth, serene,
not a scratch
upon my palm;
the other just the
thorns, fingers
seeping blood,
like Rooibos
in a chalice, some
saviour’s sacrifice.
Andreas Gripp
February 28, 2025
Aspalathus linearis is a leguminous plant
endemic to the fynbos region of South Africa.
Rooibos (pronounced roy-bows with a hard s)
is Dutch for “red bush” and the name of a red tea.

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